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NABS at Bike Baju Fellowship Ride

We’re not hitting the streets this weekend. Instead, this Malaysia Day, we’ll be at the BB Fellowship Ride with our booth.

Hard to keep the excitement in check, cause on the 16th, we’re dropping the brand new Soundsgood lifestyle socks. We’ve got some awesome stuff from Cycology Australia and other cool accessories lined up too.

As always with NABS, there’s a little something for everyone—30% off on all merch that day and a sweet surprise in your goodie bag.

We made a commitment for NABS to be about people by people and one of the best ways we achieve that is by collaborating with fellow community partners. This year, NABS will partner with Bike Baju for their epic Bike Baju Fellowship Ride and will be contribution 5% of all sales from that day to charity fundraising. We are glad to be part of this and now you can too. Get your hands on the coolest accessories at the NABS booth and know that part of it is going back to the community.

Mark it down, we wanna see you there on September 16th!.